My stupid day so far
Woke up. Write? No inspiration.
Had some coffee (yummy Nespresso even *without* Clooney)
No boyfriend. (that actually sucks more than anything)
Ate chinese with family and future brother-in-law (well, I guess he counts as family, then)
Oh, yeah, almost forgot: drove myself to restaurant, to aunt's home, *and* to Colombo. Hooray for me (or not.)
At Colombo, twins got some (I mean two) PS3 games and I got SingStar *blushes* aaand also, most importantly, a Philip K. Dick's. Confessions of a Crap Artist. Started reading it at FNAC's café, since my stepfather had this urge for something to drink at the time. Only had time for the first two pages though, but already know that somebody is made out of water.
Anyway, drove ourselves (me and my stepfather, as the other part of the family went in Mom's car) back home.
Still, no boyfriend. *And* no inspiration.
So, thus far: no boyfriend to fool around with, no inspiration to write something (=not shitty stuff as usual, preferably) so I thought I might as well try my way at singing. Must I say that didn't work as well? Yeah, it didn't.
And, again, no boyfriend. PLUS, fight with boyfriend at distance. O, shoot, must I always be so terribly aggressive and childish? I'm such a moron...
Obviously NOT hungry, grabbed a glass of wine to pass time, while boyfriend recovers from big headache (caused by yours truly, offffff course.)
Tic toc tic toc. Okay, time isn't passing quickly enough. What do I do, what do I do?
Okay, breathe in, breathe out. Sip some more wine.
I know something is ruining my brain, just not sure what that something is.
I do know this: I need my boyfriend with me more than ever.
This crappy distance sucks as hell.
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